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Endomi­nes Among Top 10 in Diver­si­ty Compa­ri­son

The Nordic Business Diversity Index, now in its sixth year, evaluated Finnish companies and highlights the most diverse publicly listed Finnish companies. Endomines was ranked ninth in the small companies category.

The Nordic Business Diversity Index report evaluates the diversity of company management teams and boards. This year, the assessment included over 840 listed companies from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, making it one of the most comprehensive studies on top management diversity in the Nordic countries. Diversity was examined using four different variables: gender, age, nationality, and education. Companies from the participating countries were divided into three categories: large, medium-sized, and small companies based on market value. Endomines ranked ninth in the small companies category.

Endomines’ CEO Kari Vyhtinen commented on the achievement: “It’s great to be among the ranked companies, and we proudly accept this valuable recognition. Diversity enriches thinking and brings different perspectives to decision-making, helping us make both sensible and innovative solutions. One of the key training topics for Endomines’ management team last year was understanding people’s differences. I believe that by understanding each other’s differences and strengths, a clear 1+1=3 situation is created within the team.”

The study is conducted by the consulting firm Impaktly. More information about the study can be found here: