Shareholders’ Nomination Committee
The Shareholders’ Nomination Committee of Endomines is a governing body responsible for preparing proposals to the General Meeting concerning the election and remuneration of the members of the Board. The Nomination Committee consist of three members, two of whom must represent the largest shareholders and one of whom must be the Chair of the Board.
The principal duty of the Nomination Committee is to ensure that the Board of Directors and its members have sufficient expertise and experience to meet the company’s needs and to prepare well-founded proposals to the Annual General Meeting on the election and remuneration of the members of the Board. To ensure sufficient expertise, the Nomination Committee must take account of legislation and the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code. In addition to the above, the Nomination Board must take account of the independence requirements of the Corporate Governance Code and the stock exchange rules applicable to the company.
Each shareholder of the company can also submit their proposals directly to the Annual General Meeting.
The General Meeting of Endomines approves the Nomination Committee’s rules of procedure, which regulate matters related to the appointment and composition of the committee and determine the duties and obligations of the committee. Decisions concerning significant changes to the rules of procedure, such as changes to the number of members and the selection criteria, are made by the General Meeting.
Rules of procedure of the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee
The duties and obligations of the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee are specified in its rules of procedure.
Members of the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee
Ingeborg Åkermarck
Kyösti Kakkonen
Jukka-Pekka Joensuu