Endomines information event for the local community 10/4/2024
On 10th of April, we met with our local neighbours at the village hall of Lehtovaara-Korentovaara in Ilomantsi. There were just under 30 participants, with whom we updated our news and briefed on our activities over a barbecue.

At the beginning of the event, we presented the company’s safety review and went through sustainability topics as well as the company’s sustainability program. In addition to safety, the main focus was on water monitoring plans and regular water sampling and groundwater monitoring in the Kuittila, Korvilansuo, and Muurinsuo areas.
Next, we went through the zoning process, its various stages and progress, and the studies to be carried out during the zoning and environmental impact assessment, including a resident survey, nature surveys, surface and groundwater surveys, a landscape survey, a noise, dust, vibration, and fly-rock survey, an archaeological survey, and a traffic survey.
In the exploration update, we presented our current exploration areas and reviewed our exploration plans. At the same time, we also explained the different methods used in exploration.
At the end of the event, a safety expert from Endomines informed us about the rescue exercise that will take place on Thursday in Pampalo. We organise these exercises regularly to maintain our level of preparedness and ensure seamless cooperation between operators.
It was a pleasure to meet our neighbors, and we would like to thank our neighbors for the good discussion and excellent cooperation. Let’s grow the Karelian Gold Line together into one of the most important and responsible gold-producing regions in the world.