We celebrated World Environment Day on June 5th
The fifth of June was declared World Environment Day by the UN General Assembly in 1972. Since then, the Day has provided an annual window into the dialogue on the importance of the environment, the need to protect nature and the need to maintain a viable and diverse habitat. We at Endomines also celebrated Environment Day in line with the theme.
Yesterday we celebrated World Environment Day at Endomines in Pampalo. The theme of the day was to highlight the importance of the environment and the need to protect nature and preserve the viability and diversity of our habitat, as declared by the UN every year on 5 June. We also rewarded two of our staff who are active environmental observers with recycling awards. As the day is also about encouraging people to take action to care for the environment and to encourage everyone to look at their attitudes and practices towards nature, several of our employee volunteers collected litter and mowed the area for invasive species. From small streams grow big rivers that change our attitudes through what we can do to improve these matters.